Monday, April 27, 2009

La bendicion de la Ciudad: Que te vaya con Dios

El Angel - Reforma, Mexico City

Adios, mi Mexico querido

Me da pena. That most Mexican of expressions. One that my gringa soul rarely has need for, but today, it fits my sentiments. Me da mucho pena decirles que ya es el fin de mi blog chilango porque he regresado a mi hogar, California. I left the US for love of Mexico, and, again for love, I have returned to mi patria, this time for love of my boyfriend, who calls Los Angeles home. I will of course return to Mexico many times in the many decades to come and I will always consider it one of my homes. However, no longer will I be able to peer out my own window and spot green VW taxis, jacarandas in bloom, and taqueros expertly chopping pork on a trunk-sized block of wood. Ya te extraño, Mexico. Ya les extraño, mis amigos mexicanos, ustedes siempre estån en mi corazon.
In the handful of months since I've returned to California, I'm often struck with momentitos of nostalgia. When I chat in Spanish with the woman behind the counter at the Mexican market downstairs from my office who calls me mi'ja. When I turn a corner here in east LA and come face to face with a brilliantly painted mural of la Virgen. When a group of young mariachis takes the stage at the Book Festival singing "Ay mi corazon..." When I spot fuchsia bougainvillea climbing up the walls beside the freeway.
I thought about continuing to blog on this site, but my two Mexico years stand apart. I've started a new life and a new blog that will be an attempt to reconcile my three homes: Sonoma, DF, and, now, Los Angeles. I hope you will read it and enjoy it:

Hasta pronto, amigos

Con mucho amor, Sierra