Thursday, March 26, 2009

Adventures in Veracruz

I am a complete failure at blogging recently and so backed up on my photos and audio I don't even know what to say. Sorry readers! In the past three months, I've been through 3 job changes and two moves, so I guess it kind of set back the blogging. But have no fear, I will soldier on to complete all my Mexico blog entries. Adelante!
Right before returning to the States, I went on an adventure to Veracruz with two friends and their two friends who were visiting from New Orleans. We spent the evening in the port, did a little cruise around the bay in the morning, then headed up into the mountains of Xalapa with a small detour to Xico. We went river rafting, then headed back to big, bad DF.
Our primary activities during this excursion were eating seafood and drinking really good coffee. Veracruz is famous for its coffee. We partook at both of the most popular cafes where they serve coffee so dark you can't see through it in big glasses. After they plop it down, you tap the glass with your spoon and a teenage boy immediately comes running with an enormous metal pitcher of milk which he pours from as high as humanly possible so that your coffee foams up cappucino-style. better way to start the day...or the evening, for that matter.

Chris handles the vertiginous milk pour like a pro.

Dulce doesn't know whether she trusts this guey...

The result....worth risking 2nd degree hot milk splatter burns...

1 comment:

Kev!n_BlueFox said...

Esas fotos son en 'La parroquia'?
Wow hace mucho que no voy ahí, tal vez en vacaciones...