Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mexico - #1 in tacos, tequila and REALLY creepy mannequins

First of all, this image is just a taste. You ain't seen nothing yet. Mannequins are liberally used and abused here in Mexico. A common display technique is for half of the store to be comprised entirely of huge windows chock full of mannequins, usually decked out in enormous Quinceanera dresses or men in suits and guayaberas. Many of these stores are jammed into enormous market floors so you find yourself walking through a sort of forest of partygoers. Really creepy partygoers with huge eyes and outrageously long eyelashes.
This metrosexual mannequin was no exception. He had the unfortunate luck to be the mannequin for a store selling crutches, slings and all manner of post-accident wear. I'm still unclear on what trauma resulted in him wearing the beige man-diaper. The poor guy also had a neck brace, a sling and a finger cast. Talk about a bad day.


Unknown said...

Sexy mannequin.

Unknown said...

Any other dudes out there like to have some fun with neck braces on?